Physics Research Papers: Creating Your Introduction

Have you ever heard the mantra that the hardest part is getting started? Well when it comes to writing large-scale science research papers that can’t be anymore true! In fact, some may try to debate that the actual “research” part of the project is the hardest, but many people struggle more with articulating their finding in the written form once the research is done. Students who study physics, know all too well how difficult it can be to write about physics especially that intimidating first introductory paragraph. After all some of the greats have written excellent academic papers on psychics topics long before our time. When you sit down to tackle you psychics research paper you are essentially following in the footsteps of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, that is a lot of pressure for a College or University Student.

The good news is that if you stop jinxing yourself and treat this physics paper like any other coursework assignment you can easily get over the initial writing hurdle. Try to remember that the most important part of any science based writing assignment is the ideas and scientific research. You are not going to be evaluated on your ability to create some sort of compositional masterpiece. Your instructor just wants to make sure that you understand the results of the research and can draw strong conclusions while also developing your own insights.

That said, the introduction paragraph also needs to contain your thesis and hypothesis as well as introduce three points of evidence. This is just basic writing 1-o-1 stuff that any student should know. The best advice we can give is to follow the same old 5 Point writing outline and organize your research into a cohesive document by categorizing the points under three main headings that you discuss in the introduction. Another thing that is important to include is your method of research, and this is where you MUST clarify if you did the experiments yourself or simple researched other peoples previous experiments in order to draw your conclusions. If you can pack all this information into the initial first paragraph and revisit it within the conclusion then all you are left with is writing the body/ discussion points. Ideally the rest should be easy once your first introduction paragraph is complete.

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